As the holidays approach, our thoughts turn to how fortunate we are, and how we can help those who are truly in need of assistance. Although KRS provides generous financial support to many worthwhile causes, there are three special causes that we support with direct involvement, that is, providing pro-bono accounting, tax, and when needed, consulting services. Each of these charities is operated for the benefit of the needy; no one who manages or works for these charities receives compensation of any kind. With cutbacks in government programs, these and other charities fill a need that is greater than ever before. It is our hope that you will pause for a moment and think about how you can help, whether it be with financial support or volunteering your time.
The Gardiner Foundation was founded in the Bronx by Dexter Gardiner, in memory of the loss of six family members in a horrific car accident. Since organizing the Foundation, Dexter has worked tirelessly for its cause, also making up financial shortfalls with his limited resources. The Gardiner Foundation supports the Bronx community, providing college scholarships, computers, school supplies, burial assistance, mentoring and guidance. This week, Dexter gave out over 200 free turkeys to help need families celebrate Thanksgiving. The Gardiner Foundation's main fund raiser is a basketball tournament that takes place each August. Please visit the website to learn more about the Gardiner Foundation and how to contribute.
The Wells Mountain Foundation was organized and is run by our good friend Tom Wells. This Foundation provides funding and support in the areas of education, literacy, and the arts, primarily in the developing world. During 2011, 28 new scholarships were awarded from 982 applications, bring the total to over 40 scholarships in more than a dozen developing countries. After the Haitian earthquake, The Wells Mountain Foundation stepped up in a big way, providing food and clothing to the victims. Please visit the website to learn more about the Wells Mountain Foundation and how to contribute.
Although the Zabota Foundation does not yet have a website, it does help fill an urgent need for semi-independent housing for disabled adults. In New Jersey, the waiting list for this type of housing is several years long, but the need continues to grow. This Foundation is run by Errol Seltzer, who has devoted his life to helping the elderly and disabled. Thanks to the donation of a house by a generous contributor, the Zabota Foundation now houses four disabled adults, allowing them to live independently with assistance when needed. But this is only the beginning. Additional funds are needed to continue Zabota's worthwhile mission. If you are inclined to contribute to this cause, please send me an email and I will help arrange it.
Whether it is by time or money, to one of the charities described above or another, please consider helping those less fortunate than you. Helping others is truly rewarding. As so eloquently stated by Mahatma Gandhi, "You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Maria, Brad, and I want to thank our employees, our clients, our friends, and our families, and extend our best wishes to all. Although we don't say it nearly often enough, we are truly thankful for all of these relationships. Happy Thanksgiving!